How to make working from home work for you during COVID-19

Working from home

There’s no two ways about it, it can be harder for some people to stay motivated while working from home. Throw in the uncertainty and apprehension that COVID19 brings and it takes us to another level.

These are some PRACTICAL things that I’ve found helpful that you might like to consider when working from home over the next few weeks.
•Get showered & dressed in good time before logging on. This will get your into work mode! *Bonus tip - have a slightly colder shower than usual, leaves you feeling bright & bushy tailed ready to take on the day!
•Motivation doesn’t come easily in the mornings so get ahead of the game and plan your day the evening before. Write your “to do” list and highlight the three tasks you must complete tomorrow. Block off time in your calendar for each task. This will help your stay on track and get “the guilts” if you do start procrastinating.
•Hold yourself accountable! When working from home we often don’t have as much accountability as we would have in our usual place of work. Take responsibility to book in regular meetings with stakeholder and your manager to update them on your progress and workload. Committing to a deadline to work towards will motivate you to get the work done!
•Set up a working station for yourself where you will get the bulk of your work done, however, throughout the day switch things up to get a change of scenery. Try standing at the kitchen counter with your laptop and maybe sitting on the couch while studying documents or viewing webinars. Pop into another room during your breaks, get a stretch of the legs outdoors, or have a cuppa out on the balcony!
•Try working in 25 or 55 minute sprints if you find it hard to keep focused. Give your eyes a break from the laptop screen for the last five minutes of the half hour or hour.
•Put your mobile on airplane mode or even better, leave it out of arms reach the other side of the room - particularly with the temptation to check the coronavirus updates these days!
•Stay connected! Call your colleagues for a quick check in or have your usual coffee break with them virtually. Use video call if you can, it helps you feel more connected and means you really do need to get dressed each morning.
I really hope these tips help you transition into your new normal over the next couple of weeks while working from home due to the Coronavirus.